DeSagana Diop

height: 7'0
weight: 280 lbs
birthplace: "Senegal"

Dsaganasaurus Rex claims his pick-and-roll game hasn't developed because no one will let John Leguizamo play the point.

Bust of Prince Reginald, who severed his own tail when the SuperSonics left Seattle. Kevin Durant acknowledged this act of defiance was "real tough, not fake tough."

Troy Murphy

height: 6'11
weight: 245 lbs
birthplace: "New Jersey"

Artist's rendering of Troy Murphy shortly after he emerged from the Rockaway River Caverns.

Many Earth girls have succumbed to the sultry call of the Murphasaurus.

Vince Carter

height: 6'6
weight: 220 lbs
birthplace: "Florida"

Many people blame Vince Carter for the fallout in Toronto. But few know how truly cold-blooded he is.